2 for 1 : turning a jacket into a scarf
Is it a jacket? Is it a scarf? No, it’s both!
I love scarves! They are not only a useful item in the upcoming cold season but also a simple way to completely change a look.
You can transform a boring white t-shirt look into a fancy one just by adding a fantasy scarf . I also use them when I want to wear some of my evening dresses but I am going for a more casual look.
Is it a jacket? Is it a scarf? No, it’s both!
Scarves are also ideal when you wear the same coat very often and you want to give it a little twist to change your look.
I know I’ve said it already but really, I love scarves! I would like to have them in all kinds of colors and materials (wool, cotton, silk…) since I use them very often. However, it’s not so easy.
A few months ago I needed something to match a leather jacket . I spent a fair amount of time looking around in shops searching for the perfect color to match my old leather jacket, but nothing was good enough.
Finally I came up with a simple idea.
To use one of my softy jackets as a scarf. It turned out to be very practical . The trick is to tie the sleeves to keep them in place.
After this little experiment I have used some other jackets for the same purpose and it works. I can tell you that even some of my friends have copied the idea!
It looks great, doesn’t it?
I know I’ve said it already but really, I love scarves! I would like to have them in all kinds of colors and materials (wool, cotton, silk…) since I use them very often. However, it’s not so easy.
A few months ago I needed something to match a leather jacket . I spent a fair amount of time looking around in shops searching for the perfect color to match my old leather jacket, but nothing was good enough.
Finally I came up with a simple idea.
To use one of my softy jackets as a scarf. It turned out to be very practical . The trick is to tie the sleeves to keep them in place.
After this little experiment I have used some other jackets for the same purpose and it works. I can tell you that even some of my friends have copied the idea!
It looks great, doesn’t it?
Me encanta tu blog¡¡ creo que voy a ser tu fan nº 1. Por cierto a mi también me encantan las bufandas, pasminas etc, y lo que hago, es al contrario, las suelo cruzar delante, atarlas detrás, y ponerme una chaqueta encima de forma queden como una camiseta/jersey.
Por cierto prueba a ponerte el jersey al revés, es decir la espalda delante, de repente tienes jersey nuevo¡¡
Querida Gema,
Me encantan tus ideas! voy a probarlas. Me intersa mucho culaquier idea de como cambiando el uso común de las cosas podemos obtener otras; salir de lo convencional, pensar diferente. Te animo a mandar alguna foto si te apetece colaborar de una forma más visual.
Espero que sigas participando, no hay mejor fuente de ideas que el intercambio.
Saludos =)
Vale¡ estupendo¡, además con esto de la crisis el reciclaje es la base de mi economia, cuando me aclare como hacerlo te mando una foto de mi nuevo collar babero hecho con un ex bolso de h&m¡¡¡